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Papa Pal Post: May ’24

Celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month with heartwarming stories between Papa Pals and members. Plus, get insights on visit guidelines and upcoming bank holidays.

Young woman wearing a Papa shirt sitting on a park bench next to an elderly man.

Honoring Mental Health Awareness Month

Celebrating the Bonds that Boost Wellbeing

As May is Mental Health Awareness Month, we want to take a moment to recognize the incredible work our Papa Pals do every day to support the mental health and overall wellbeing of our Papa members. Here are some examples of the special bonds formed between members and Papa Pals. 

Thumbnail of Papa member Rafael.

"My Papa Pals come and they talk to me, and it's wonderful. It's really nice to be able to chat with them. Really really nice."
-Rafael, Papa Member
Read full story here.

Thumbnail of Papa Pal Michelle.

"Lacey has become like a daughter to me. She calls me just to chat. We meet for breakfast. She asks me for advice. And her children mean the world to me. They're so happy to see me every time I visit, and that really feels good."
-Michelle, Papa Pal
Read full story here.

Thumbnail of Papa member Kenneth.

"I'll be feeling down, and Andreana will call, and it just picks me up. Every day is different, but when I'm down I know I can count on her. I trust her. She's like my best friend. She's the only one I have."
-Kenneth, Papa Member
Read full story here.

Every visit, whether it's helping with errands, sharing stories over a cup of coffee, or just lending a compassionate ear, makes an impact and chips away at the isolation and loneliness that puts individuals at increased risk for both mental and physical health issues. 

We are so grateful for the care and dedication you put into being a Papa Pal. Thank you for helping us create a world where no one has to go it alone.

Q & A

Can I bring someone with me to a visit?

To ensure the safety and privacy of our members, only the scheduled Papa Pal can attend a Papa visit. We strictly prohibit bringing guests, including friends, family members, children, or pets. Violating this policy will result in permanent deactivation from the Papa platform and you won’t be able to accept further work.

Visit our "visits" section for more guidance and tips to ensure you have a successful visit every time.

Pal Tip

Stay updated with visit notifications

Person looking at an app on their mobile phone.

We'll send occasional text messages and push notifications about important visit updates and new available visits in your area. Enable these notifications to never miss updates on your scheduled visits or opportunities to connect with new community members. 

Upcoming Bank Holidays

Memorial Day — May. 27, 2024

On banking holidays, payments get processed on the following business day.

Want more information? Check out the Understanding Pal Earnings guide.